Tuesday, 30 November 2010

From Nov. 20-27, the week before this year's UN Climate Meetings, 350.org coordinated over a dozen major public art installations across the planet. A satellite company, DigitalGlobal documented the project from space. My favourite is this polar bear from Iceland. Look at the link for videos and photos including King Canute trying to keep the sea back in Brighton (designed by Thom Yorke and comprised of people dressed in blue plastic).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

RSA announces Student Design Awards call for entries

[Image: RSA Image]
The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has announced the Student Design Awards briefs for the 2010/2011 award scheme. The RSA Student Design Awards scheme challenges professional designers-in-training to apply their skills to difficult social issues.

Participation in the Student Design Awards is open to both current undergraduate and postgraduate students and to those who graduated in summer 2010. The deadline for submission of entry forms, fees and work is 17 February 2011.
The project briefs for the 2010/11 award scheme are divided into 9 categories. including
Conflict resolution
Make something disappear
Postage stamps
Action for age

Monday, 22 November 2010

The Power of Nature-funding opportunity for film makers

Call for Entries (closes 20 December) The National Trust, in collaboration with the NHS Sustainable Development Unit and supported by Arla, one of the largest dairy companies in Europe, is looking to help to fund and distribute a feature documentary film that examines our contemporary relationship with nature.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Beauty in the city

There are 35 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England. But 90% of us live in towns and cities and most people rarely get out and visit them. So CABE ran a photo competition to find ‘Areas of Outstanding Urban Beauty’. This Flickr set contains all entries to the competition.